Jakarta – President Joko "Jokowi" Widodo has signed Government Regulation No.59/2016 to regulate mass organizations founded by foreigners.
According to the Cabinet Secretariat website, the regulation was issued to ensure that any mass organizations founded by foreigners respect the country's sovereignty, social values and cultures as well as benefit the community and abide by the law.
Separately, Teuku Taufiqulhadi, a member of House of Representatives Commission III overseeing legal affairs, said the government through the Home Ministry should strictly supervise the founding of foreign mass organizations.
"We need to prevent terrorist organizations from entering the country," Taufiqulhadi said as quoted by Antara news agency on Monday. Taufiqulhadi said foreign mass organizations should play a role in maintaining relations between Indonesia and their countries of origin.
"For instance, religious organization founded by people from the Middle East could help maintain good relations [between Indonesia] and those countries," he said. (dmr)