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OPM will continue to struggle for independence

Bintang Papua - July 22, 2010

A decision that was adopted at a recent congress of the OPM (Organisasi Papua Merdeka) along with its armed wing, Tentara Papua Nasional/TPN, made it clear that the organisation would continue to struggle for independence, that is to say, for secession from the Republic of Indonesia.

The congress was held before members of the organisation attacked and burnt three vehicles transporting fuels and foodstuffs in Tingginambut

"We remain firmly committed to our original purpose, to defend our self-respect and struggle for independence," said Anton Tabuni, secretary-general of the OPM in a press release conveyed in a video sent to journalists in Papua.

Anton Tabuni said that he was speaking on behalf of the supreme commander of the OPM, Goliat Tabuni, who will continue to attack the Indonesian security forces and all other components who are trying to thwart their struggle, regardless of the fact that the Indonesian president is sending ever more troops to Papua.

"We will fight them, whoever they may be, including civilians appearing as a cover for the security forces; we will eradicate them all from the soil of Papua."

The video also included scenes of the OPM congress in progress, which was held in Tingginambut, Puncak Jaya, which opened with a traditional ceremony and the flying of three Morning Star flags.

Anton Tabuni also called on all Papuans to support the independence struggle, stressing that it should not be delayed any longer. The Indonesian security forces should surrender and leave Papua, he said. Independence is the right of all peoples.

This ceremony occurred in Tingginambut on 31 (sic) June) 2010

A week ago, the military commander of Papua. Major-General Hotma Marbun, and the chief of police, Inspector-General Bekto Suprapto, flew to Tingginambut, and called on Goliat Tabuni and his supporters to surrender. However, the OPM people have continued with their attacks, regardless of the call to surrender from the army and police chiefs.

Meanwhile, deputy governor Alex Hesegem has said that considering the efforts being made to secure prosperity for the Papuan people, it is useless to keep talking about independence. "Stop dreaming about independence so as to be able to enjoy prosperity within the fold of the Indonesian Republic."

He said that they must go down to the kampungs and develop Papua, starting today. He said that with the help of the Respek programme, the self-respect of the Papuan people must be strengthened. This is the way to achieved independence, through better living conditions and the self-sufficiency for the people in the kampungs

"Instead of shouting your heads off in other countries, calling for independence, we should all go back to Papua, back to our kampungs, making full use of the talents endowed upon us by God, to build our kampungs".

[Abridged in translation.]
