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Letter to the Australian ambassador in The Haque on deteriorating situation in West Papua

Pro Papua - October 3, 2012

To: The Australian Ambassador in The Netherlands.
His Excellency Mr. Neil Mules.
C/- Australian Embassy
Carnegielaan 4
2517 KH The Hague.

The Hague, 2nd October 2012.

Your Excellency,

I am writing you this email on behalf of the Dutch Foundation Pro Papua.

Regularly we receive information from common organisations in Australia (AWPA) New Zealand (The Greens) The Free West Papua Campaign (U.K.) The West Papua Media and so on.

Together we share our worries and great concern about the deteriorating situation in West Papua, former Dutch New Guinea.

Especially the Human Rights Abuses in Papua does have our attention.

Enclosed you will see some disturbing letters.

One from the Prime Minister of Papua New Guinea, Mr. Peter O'Neill and the second letter from West Papua Media.

West Papua Media reports about the disturbing Human Rights Abuses done by the Australian trained Detachment 88.

Via this email we have some queries to you.

1. Are the Australia Government and the Australian Ministry of Defence aware of the seriously Human Rights Abuses done by the Australian trained Indonesian troops of Detachment 88?

2. And if they are, what are the Government of Australia and the Australian Minister of Defence going to do to stop those Human Rights Abuses immediately?

We think that by training those Indonesian troops, like Detachment 88 in Australia, Australia is also responsible for the Human Rights Abuses in Papua.

That is a crime unheard of from and in a Western Democratic Nation like Australia.

For your information, the Dutch Foundation Pro Papua has been set up by Dutch Veterans, ex-service men and woman who have served in former Dutch New Guinea.

Pro Papua supports the Papuan People in their struggle to self-determination.

Your Excellency, we hope to receive a reply from you.

On behalf of Foundation Pro Papua.

Yours faithfully,
