Dede Leni Mardianti, Jakarta – The Ministry of Communication and Digital Affairs (Komdigi) is reviewing complaints from online motorcycle taxi (ojol) drivers against application fees. The drivers claimed to have received deductions of up to 30 percent.
Deputy Minister of Komdigi Nezar Patria said the Ministry has heard the demands made by the Garda Indonesia Online Ojek Drivers Association. Going forward, he said, Komdigi will coordinate further with the online taxi companies, such as Grab, Gojek, and Maxim.
"We are discussing the matter and studying the demand. We will probably discuss this with the platforms as well," said Nezar on Wednesday, January 15, 2025.
According to Nezar, the ministry is authorized to regulate the obligations, sanctions, and procedures for electronic system operators (ESOs) through Ministerial Regulation No. 5 of 2020 on private ESOs.
"ESO is every individual, business entity, state administrator, and community that provides, manages, and/or operates electronic systems," Article 1 paragraph 5 of the regulation reads.
Previously, the chair of the Indonesian Online Transportation and Services Drivers Association, Raden Igun Wicaksono, urged the Ministry of Transportation and President Prabowo Subianto to intervene and overcome the arrogance of online transportation service provider companies.
According to Igun, these companies have long applied inhumane application fee deductions, even violating the rules of Minister of Transportation Decree Number 1001 of 2022, which sets a maximum application fee deduction limit of 20 percent. Igun said there were two large companies with over 30 percent deduction fees.
– Dani Aswara contributed to the writing of this article