Wijayanti Putri, Solo – Former President Joko "Jokowi" Widodo on Friday congratulated the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDI-P) on its 52nd anniversary, nearly a month after he was ousted by the party over irrecoverable differences.
"My congratulations to all members of PDI-P which celebrates its 52nd anniversary today," Jokowi said at his private residence in Solo, Central Java.
However, Jokowi declined to respond when reporters asked if he would send wishes to the party during the occasion.
PDI-P Chairwoman Megawati Soekarnoputri signed a decision to dismiss Jokowi, his son Gibran Rakabuming Raka, and son-in-law Bobby Nasution on December 14 as the family parted ways with PDI-P before and during the presidential election last February.
Jokowi's ties to PDI-P date back to his early political career, with the party backing him during his rise to national prominence. PDI-P supported Jokowi's candidacy when he successfully ran for the mayoralty of Solo in 2005 and again for the Jakarta gubernatorial election in 2012. The party also played a pivotal role in his two presidential election victories in 2014 and 2019, solidifying its reputation as a key force behind Jokowi's political ascent.
However, the relationship began to fray after Gibran was appointed as the running mate of then-presidential candidate Prabowo Subianto in October last year. Prabowo was a rival to PDI-P's nominee Ganjar Pranowo.
The Prabowo-Gibran ticket eventually won the presidential election in February and was sworn into office on October 20.
Jokowi's apparent backing of Prabowo was seen as a betrayal of Ganjar's candidacy, despite Jokowi having secured two presidential terms with PDI-P's support. Gibran, who previously won the mayoral election in Solo with PDI-P's endorsement, further angered the party by aligning with Prabowo.
Bobby Nasution, who became the mayor of Medan with PDI-P's backing, has since joined Prabowo's Great Indonesia Movement Party (Gerindra). He is now poised to win the North Sumatra gubernatorial election, where his only opponent is PDI-P's nominee, Edy Rahmayadi.
Source: https://jakartaglobe.id/news/jokowi-congratulates-pdip-on-52nd-anniversary-amid-growing-feu