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KPU officially declares Dedi Mulyadi-Erwan Setiawan as West Java governor-deputy governor

Tempo - January 9, 2025

Ahmad Fikri (Kontributor), Bandung – The West Java General Elections Commission (KPU) held an open plenary session on Thursday, January 9, 2025, to officially declare the elected Governor and Deputy Governor of West Java for the 2024-2030 term.

The meeting, held at the Grand Mercure Hotel in Bandung, saw the presence of candidate pair number 4, Dedi Mulyadi and Erwan Setiawan, who were ultimately declared the winners. Other candidate pairs Acep Adang Ruhiyat-Gitalis Dwi Natarina and Jeje Wiradinata-Ronal Surapradja were absent, while candidate pair Ahmad Syaikhu arrived after the meeting had commenced.

The West Java KPU Chair, Ahmad Nur Hidayat, presided over the session, which included the reading of the meeting rules of procedure and the official KPU minutes declaring Dedi Mulyadi and Erwan Setiawan as the elected officials. The pair secured 14,130,192 votes, representing 62.22% of the total valid votes.

Following the announcement, Governor-elect Dedi Mulyadi expressed gratitude to the other candidates for accepting the election results without contesting them. "The absence of lawsuits reflects that the other three candidate pairs have broad ways of thinking, are open-minded, and have the same spirit of building West Java," said Dedi during a break in the plenary meeting.

He emphasized a desire to swiftly implement key initiatives, including strengthening food security, providing free nutritious meals, addressing post-disaster infrastructure needs in Sukabumi and Cianjur, and resolving the waste management challenges facing Greater Bandung.

Losing candidate Ahmad Syaikhu extended his congratulations to the elected officials and urged them to prioritize the aspirations of all West Javan citizens. "Hopefully West Java can be better," he said after the plenary meeting.

Acting Governor of West Java Bey Machmudin also offered his congratulations and emphasized the importance of improving the welfare of West Java's residents. He added that the inauguration is awaiting the government's decision. "It's up to the Ministry of Home Affairs," he said.

Meanwhile, the West Java KPU Chair Ahmad Nur Hidayat confirmed that Presidential Regulation Number 80 of 2024 designates February 7, 2025, as the scheduled inauguration date for the elected Governor, although official confirmation from the Ministry of Home Affairs is still pending.

Source: https://en.tempo.co/read/1961955/kpu-officially-declares-dedi-mulyadi-erwan-setiawan-as-west-java-governor-deputy-governo
