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Rights group says the thousands of troops sent to Papua in 2024 illegal

Kompas.com - December 10, 2024

Vitorio Mantalean, Ihsanuddin, Jakarta – Indonesian Human Rights Watch (Imparsial) says that the thousands of troops sent to the land of Papua throughout 2024 were illegal.

Imparsial Director Ardi Manto Adiputra stressed that the status of the Papua Military Operations Area (DOM) was officially revoked after reformasi – the political reform process that began in 1998.

"We noted that throughout 2024 the government sent at least 3,187 non-organic troops to the land of Papua. This does not yet include additional troops the exact number of which is unknown", said Adiputra on Tuesday December 10.

"It is important to remember, the deployment of these troops is an illegal act that is contrary to Article 7 Paragraph (3) of the TNI [Indonesian Military] Law", he continued.

Under that regulation, it emphasises that military operations other than war can only be conducted after there are state policies and political decisions, namely government political policies together with the House of Representatives (DPR), which are formulated through the mechanism of the working relationship between the government and the DPR.

So far there has not been a single political policy or decision to deploy TNI troops to the land of Papua.

Imparsial believes that the illegal deployment of troops and the augmentation of personnel is clear evidence of the government's lack of seriousness in resolving the conflict in Papua.

Strengthening military influence in conflict vulnerable areas is seen as not being in line with the pledge to prioritise dialogue and a peaceful approach.

"As a consequence, people continue to fall victim because armed contacts always occur in residential areas", said Adiputra.

"Based on the results of Imparsial's monitoring throughout 2024 at least 18 incidents of violent armed conflict occurred in Papua", he added.

These armed contacts killed at least nine members of the TNI and Polri (National Police) and four civilians. A number of members of the West Papua National Liberation Army-Free Papua Organisation (TPNPB-OPM) and local residents were also injured.

Imparsial also highlighted the potential for conflict in Papua that is of growing concern due to regional decentralisation (the creation of new autonomous regions) and the implementation of the National Strategic Projects (PSN) such as the food estate program in Merauke in Southern Papua.

"Imparsial views the food estate program followed by the addition and formation of five Vulnerable Area Support (PDR) infantry battalions in Papua as not only deviating from the TNI's role but also having the potential to worsen the cycle of violence", explained Adiputra.

"Conflicts between the TNI and communities that cause human rights violations are very likely to occur, especially based on the statement by the Minister of Agriculture who stated that the clearing of a million hectares of land will be directly controlled by the Cenderawasih/XVII regional military commander", he continued.

[Translated by James Balowski. The original title of the article was "Imparsial Anggap Ribuan Pasukan Dikirim ke Papua Selama 2024 Ilegal".]

Source: https://nasional.kompas.com/read/2024/12/10/16083181/imparsial-anggap-ribuan-pasukan-dikirim-ke-papua-selama-2024-ilega
