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On Human Rights Day, protesters hope state will settle rights abuses in Papua

Jubi Papua - December 10, 2024

Aida Ulim, Jayapura – The Papuan People's Front (FRP) and Papuan students hope that with the momentum International Human Rights Day the Indonesian state will open its eyes to and be aware that the state is the biggest sinner in the form of human rights violations against the Papuan people.

Stenlhy Dambujai, one of the people responsible for the action, is asking the National Human Rights Commission (Komnas HAM) and the Komnas HAM Papua representative office to be truly firm and not to cover up cases of human rights violations in the land of Papua.

The Papuan people are firmly asking Human Rights Minister Natalius Pigai, who is an indigenous Papuan, not to close his eyes to the many human rights violations occurring in Papua.

"Don't deny your identity as a Papuan just because of your position", Dambujai said when interviewed by Jubi during the commemoration of International Human Rights Day at the Abepura traffic circle in Jayapura city, Papua, on Tuesday December 10.

Frengki Edowai from the Jayapura Green Papua Collective added that Papua is rife with human rights violations. The state also knows that the highest number of human rights violations are in Papua, but there is no process of resolution.

He is asking that the task forces formed by the state to conduct military operations in of Papua be immediately withdrawn. "Organic and non-organic military, because of the military sent to Papua, they become actors of violence against communities. It is they who cause human rights violations in Papua", he said.

According to Edowai, the existence of National Strategic Projects (PSN) has become a basis for the massive and continued deployment of the military to Papua. The presence of security forces adds to the existing trauma because violence continues to do the rounds.

The action proceeded smoothly under the guard of around 20 local police personnel.

In a statement, the Papuan People's Front made a number of points rejecting human rights violations in Papua, namely:

1. Immediately arrest and try the perpetrators of the shootings in the regencies of Intan Jaya, Yahukimo, Puncak, Dogiyai and Nduga.

2. Arrest and try the perpetrator of the shooting of Tobias Silak.

3. Withdraw all Mobile Brigade (Brimob) posts throughout the land of Papua.

4. That Komnas HAM immediately announce the results of its investigation into the shooting of Tobias Silak.

5. Immediacy reveal and try the perpetrators of the fire bombings against the Papua Jubi media office and the Papua Legal Aid Foundation (LBH) offices.

6. Immediately reveal and try the perpetrators recorded by Komnas HAM between January 1 and June 1, 2024, involving around 41 shooting incidents.

7. Immediately revoke the Defence and Security Presidential Decree (Kepres Hankam) and withdraw all organic and non-organic military from the land of Papua.

8. Immediately disband the Cartenz Peace Taskforce, the Nemangkawi Taskforce, the Habema Taskforce, the Binmas Noken Taskforce, the Pinang Sirih Taskforce and the Paro Taskforce.

9. Immediately halt and withdraw capitalist investment throughout the land of Papua which are disguised as National Strategic Projects.

10. Give the right of self-determination to the Papuan people as a democratic solution. (*)

Source: https://humanrightsmonitor.org/news/idp-update-december-2024-security-raids-trigger-new-displacements-in-tambrauw-and-pegunungan-bintang
