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Jakarta govt says emissions tests compliance rate under 30%

Tempo - December 3, 2024

M. Faiz Zaki, Jakarta – The Jakarta Environmental Office said the compliance rate towards vehicle emissions tests remained below 30 percent in three years, from 2022 to 2024, as reviewed from five administrative areas in Jakarta.

Chairperson of the Subgroup for Environmental Pollution Prevention, Tiyana Brotoadi, said the compliance rate rose when residents were threatened with a looming fine in case of failing the emissions tests.

"In 2022, without fines, the compliance rate was only 5.7 percent. In 2023, when fines were applied, it rose to 21.4 percent. In 2024, the increase was insignificant, around 23 percent," said Tiyana on Tuesday, December 3, 2024.

Tiyana said the data collection will serve as the basis for policy follow-up. Tiyana said the Jakarta government aims to increase the compliance rate for the vehicle emissions tests.

Furthermore, Tiyana went on, testing the exhaust gas emissions of vehicles is important to minimize air pollution. "To encourage public compliance, policies like this are necessary. Based on this data, we aim to increase the people's compliance with emission tests," said Tiyana.

To measure the data and promote compliance with emissions tests, the Jakarta Environmental Office held free emissions tests in Jalan Perintis Kemerdekaan, North Jakarta.

The testing today ran from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m., targeting 400 vehicles, including cars and motorcycles.

Based on Tempo's observation at the location, the vehicles that underwent testing also included cargo trucks and tank trucks. Tiyana stated that the Jakarta Environmental Office collaborated with the Transportation Agency and the Jakarta Metro Police in today's activities.

The emissions tests targeted random vehicles that passed by the road. "These vehicles are asked to stop for the police to conduct the inspection," said Tiyana, adding that no fines were imposed on the vehicles that failed the emissions test today.

Source: https://en.tempo.co/read/1948223/jakarta-govt-says-emissions-tests-compliance-rate-under-3
