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On 16th anniversary, KNPB united, consistent in fight for Papuan independence

Suara Papua - November 20, 2024

Jayapura – The West Papua National Committee (KNPB) celebrated its 16th anniversary yesterday (November 19, 2008-November 19, 2024). Commemorations were held in several different regions, both inside and outside the land of Papua.

In Jayapura, the central KNPB together with the KNPB Numbay and Sentani regional branches celebrated the anniversary with the theme "Gathering the wrath of the people's resistance" at the Waena III State Housing Complex (Perumnas) in Jayapura city on Tuesday November 19.

During the celebration, they held a people's forum looking back at the struggles that the KNPB has gone through and what should be done in the future in view of the existing dynamics.

The event was attended by a number of KNPB founders and activists in Papua. Among them were KNPB International Spokesperson Victor Yeimo, West Papua National Parliament Chairperson Buchtar Tabuni, Hakim Pahabol from the New Guinea Council, Bazoka Logo from the United Liberation Movement for West Papua (ULMWP) Sentani Congress, Marthen Manggaprow from the West Papua National Authority (WPNA), Ester Haluk from the Papua People's Democratic Movement (GARDA Papua), Manu Iyaba from the Papuan Peoples Youth and Student Movement (GEMPAR Papua), Eneko Pahabol representing the church youth, Kamus Bayage representing Papuan students and KNPB Chairperson I Warpo Wetipo.

Victor Yeimo said that the KNPB's resistance over the last 16 years has been a non-violent resistance fought along with the ordinary people and this remains KNPB's position to this day.

"Our generation must believe that the revolution requires cadres who are consistent, committed and consistent in organisational awareness and struggle. Today's generation is the generation that will be able to determine the direction of the struggle, because tomorrow it is certain that every individual and organisation will fight to defend itself", said Yeimo.

Meanwhile, Buchtar Tabuni criticised the KNPB saying that every fighter must unite under one common agenda, the aim of which is to realise a common mission.

"The ones who damage and create disunity are the NGO [non-government organisation] groups, the church and academics, including the DPR [House of Representatives] who are part of the strategic organisational structure of the resistance movement", said Tabuni.

Hakim Pahabol said that fighters must have clear stages in the agenda of struggle from the beginning to the end. Where there is action, there is a reaction that will give birth to change.

"That's where we become subjects in the status of a legal challenge. The KNPB is already worthy of playing a role as a national media, so it is important to maintain this as a national asset. The fighters of the West Papuan nation today must realise that we can no longer be busy taking care of extinguishing the smoke, but we must be able to extinguish the fire by our methods that are correct", he said.

Bazooka Logo spoke more firmly on the struggle of Papuans saying that fighters should not be moderate, sentimental and the like.

"Fighters also cannot be condoned if every political aspiration is submitted to the DPR, the MRP [Papua People's Council], regents and governors, because this is the same as us improving the face of the NKRI's [Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia] colonialism", said Logo.

Marthen Manggaprow said he appreciated the resistance carried out by the KNPB. He said that the WPNA salutes and respects the existence of and also the militancy shown by the KNPB to this day in continuing to mediate the political aspirations of the people of West Papua.

"We also know because we are always with KNPB, where there are peaceful demonstrations and also joint training as fellow fighters who fight. One thing we suggest is that KNPB continues to open itself up, accept criticism from the people like this, and learn from our past failures, (because) we will definitely be free", he concluded.

Ester Haluk was more critical of Papuan freedom fighters who are not united in the struggle. She emphasised that unity is important, so when united, this unity must be defended.

"Why disband and form a government or a country? A government formed in the interim or a transitional government will not bring about change or liberate the West Papuan nation. So stop the public deception here", she said.

"Advocacy work on human rights violations, environmental damage, refugee data collection and so on is never done. No data has been submitted to the UN Human Rights Commission. So, don't let fighters dream high in empty spaces without concrete work and campaigns", said Haluk.

Manu Iyaba said that the current leaders of the West Papuan nation prefer to live comfortably and think and act in an elitist way. If they want to become leaders, they must come from the bases of the ordinary people who are fighting.

"Leaders must educate the people so that the people are aware, because the fact is that today the Papuan people are busy with practical colonial politics."

Eneko Pahabol stated that they are obliged to guard the flock or congregation by continuing to speak out with a prophetic voice.

"Therefore, in this forum I invite the honourable fighters as members of the church, to worship God. The Lord Jesus as the teacher of the revolution of the colonised nation and fighting with a strong faith, would never let it go just like that."

"The KNPB must continue to guard itself and we also pray that the KNPB remains as a media for the people of West Papua nation. This is the voice of the church youth. We will definitely be free, if Papua is free it is [because of] our true faith in the struggle for national liberation", said Pahabol.

Warpo Wetipo said that resistance without threats by the enemy is human resistance that seems abnormal. But the KNPB was born because of these threats, grew and bloomed under these threats, even died under these threats, so this threat belongs to the KNPB.

According to Wetipo, since the KNPB existed, these threats have existed and come one after another.

"In the current context, [there must be] self-criticism of all fighters and leaders who come to give criticisms, suggestions and advice. On this the KNPB's anniversary we agree to see that our current state of oppression is not okay, so your soul rebels, anxiety continues to burn."

"So will you just sit still, bow down and contemplate? The people's office is in the alleyways, the highways, that's where we have our offices. Bring yourself, give your heart and accept their hearts if you are a leader who fights. That is people power", he said.

Kamus Bayage said that in the context of the nation's struggle, the students are the people, where students are one of the important pillars in the joint resistance towards national liberation. Therefore, Bayage said he attended the event to represent students as fighting people.

"On this occasion, Papuan students appreciate the KNPB as a teacher who continues to educate the intelligence of the people to see the reality of oppression more closely. The KNPB is a national media that continues to be maintained, so continue to remain united."

[Translated by James Balowski. The original title of the article was "Rayakan HUT ke-16, KNPB Tetap Bersatu dan Konsisten Perjuangkan Kemerdekaan".]

Source: https://suarapapua.com/2024/11/20/rayakan-hut-ke-16-knpb-tetap-bersatu-dan-konsisten-perjuangkan-kemerdekaan
