Jakarta – The police continue to update the number of victims in a pileup accident that occurred on Monday on the Cipularang toll road in Purwakarta, West Java, involving 17 vehicles.
As of Tuesday morning, the total number of victims reached 30, consisting of 25 people who were slightly injured, four who were severely injured and one fatality, tribunnews.com reported on Tuesday.
All victims are currently being treated at Abdul Rojak Hospital in Purwakarta.
The West Java Police said the pileup was triggered by a heavily loaded truck that suffered a brake failure.
Video clips circulated on social media showed that the truck was driving in the right lane at a high speed and was unable to stop. The truck, which was carrying cardboard, collided with stopped vehicles.
The accident took place at kilometer 92.2 heading to Jakarta at around 3:30 p.m.
"The brakes failed because of the substantial load, which caused the truck to crash into vehicles in front of it," West Java Police chief spokesman Sr. Comr. Jules Abraham Abast said in Bandung, as quoted by the Antara news agency.
Jules added that about 10 personnel were deployed to handle the situation, consisting of police officers from the National Police's Traffic Police Corps, the West Java Police's Highway Patrol and the Purwakarta Police's Traffic Police Unit.
Meanwhile, state-owned accident insurance firm PT Jasa Raharja guaranteed compensation would be paid to the victims.
"The deceased victim's family will receive Rp 50 million (US$3,180) in compensation, while injured victims are entitled to a maximum of Rp 20 million for medical treatment costs, paid directly to the hospitals treating them," Jasa Raharja president director Rivan A. Purwantono said in a written statement on Monday, as quoted by kumparan.com.
Following the incident, Jasa Raharja coordinated with local police and hospitals to process the compensation claims.
Separately, the Transportation Ministry said in a statement on Monday that it will investigate the cause of the accident.
The ministry's Land Transportation Directorate General had sent a team to the accident site to coordinate with all stakeholders in handling the accident as well as to collect data.
Source: https://www.thejakartapost.com/indonesia/2024/11/12/pileupon-cipularang-toll-road-kills-1.htm