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Muhaimin says Prabowo coalition no longer relevant in gubernatorial elections

Jakarta Globe - August 7, 2024

Yustinus Patris Paat, Jakarta – National Awakening Party (PKB) Chairman Muhaimin Iskandar on Tuesday questioned the relevance of the coalition of political parties that supported Prabowo Subianto's presidential bid in the upcoming gubernatorial elections.

The four-party Advance Indonesia Coalition, known by its local acronym KIM, which successfully secured Prabowo's election as president, is attempting to replicate its success in the gubernatorial elections in Jakarta, North Sumatra, and possibly Central Java. The coalition has even encouraged former rival parties, including PKB, to join and form the so-called KIM Plus.

However, Muhaimin asserted that the local leader elections present a significantly different context from the presidential election, rendering the previous political alliance less relevant.

"For us at PKB, all parties are equal in the local leader elections. If we find common ground, we are ready to collaborate with any other party," Muhaimin said at the PKB headquarters in Jakarta. "What is the meaning of KIM Plus?"

In Jakarta, the coalition has nominated former West Java Governor Ridwan Kamil to challenge Anies Baswedan, who is seeking reelection in the national capital.

In North Sumatra, the coalition has garnered additional support from at least two other parties to nominate Bobby Nasution, the son-in-law of President Joko Widodo.

Source: https://jakartaglobe.id/news/muhaimin-says-prabowo-coalition-no-longer-relevant-in-gubernatorial-election
