Hanaa Septiana, Jakarta – Immigration Office Class I Special TPI Surabaya said that there are already seven foreign nationals who obtain Golden Visas in East Java with the purpose of investment. The number is expected to continue to grow.
"The seven foreigners are spread across Surabaya and Blitar," said the Head of the Immigration Stay Permit Section Mas Djoko Ardyanto Wibowo on Wednesday, March 6, 2024.
According to Djoko, the seven foreigners come from various countries, including China. Last month, there was also an ex-Indonesian citizen from Australia who also applied for a Golden Visa and plans to buy shares amounting to US$35,000. "We consider the number of seven to be good. This is for the sake of the investment climate in East Java too," said Djoko.
The Golden Visa can be applied for since August 2023 with growing enthusiasm in just 6 months. For information, the Golden Visa is a special residence permit program designed by the Directorate General of Immigrations. The goal is to attract good quality travelers, namely foreign investors, global talents, and foreign retirees.
This special visa is given to foreigners with certain qualifications to stay in Indonesia for 5 or 10 years and can be extended to support the national economy. Golden Visa holders will get many facilities, such as extended permission to stay in Indonesia.
"This golden visa is also exempted from the obligation to have a guarantor," explained the Head of Class I Special Immigration Office TPI Surabaya, Chicco A Muttaqin, explaining that foreigners' visas normally expire after a year.