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Prabowo-Gibran's vision and mission only mentions the word 'Papua' once

Kompas.com - November 1, 2023

Ihsanuddin, Jakarta – The presidential and vice presidential ticket of Defense Minister Prabowo Subianto and Solo Mayor Gibran Rakabuming Raka from the Indonesia Onward Coalition (KIM) does not discuss the issue of the Papua region in its vision and mission document.

The word "Papua" is only mention once in the document, namely under Prabowo's profile, which states that he once saved 20 hostages from the Free Papua Organisation (OPM) in 1996.

Meanwhile the ruling Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDI-P) ticket of former Central Java Governor Ganjar Pranowo and Coordinating Minister for Security, Politics and Legal Affairs Mahfud MD touches briefly on the Papua issue under its fiscal and asymmetries development policies.

"Reducing economic and social inequality due to discrepancies in growth, development and access to resources between regions through redistribution of resources, infrastructure, investment, tax incentives or special financial support for Papua in the context of achieving a more equitable economic growth, reducing poverty and improving the standard of living of citizens most in need", reads the Pranowo-Mahfud vision-mission document.

The most detailed discussion on Papua is by the Coalition for Change and Unity (KPP) ticket of former Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan and National Awakening Party (PKB) Chairperson Muhaimin Iskandar under the strategic agenda of eight wings of progress, one of which is Papua.

There are 14 points offered in relation to equitable development in Papua by Baswedan and Iskandar.

First, using an approach of dialogue and community empowerment to resolve conflicts.

Second, green and sustainable development by respecting Special Autonomy and the rights of indigenous peoples.

Third, the industrialisation goods substitution to replace food and non-food imports through a creative economic area (KEK) in Sorong as the main hub.

Fourth, encouraging food security through local food production with indigenous peoples and indigenous Papuans (OAP) as the main actors.

Fifth, the revitalisation of the ports of Biak, Jayapura and Samabusa Nabire in order to ensure access for primary goods and service in the northern region, the southern parts of the Pomako Mimika and Merauke.

Sixth, continuing the construction of the Trans Papua highway.

Seventh, asphalting more than 1,700 kilometers of Trans Papua highway.

Eighth, optimising collaboration between state-owned transportation industries and the private sector to reduce logistics costs.

Ninth, optimising the Mozes Kilangin Airport as an air logistics network for mountainous regions.

Tenth, reducing the duration of the shipping of goods between Java, Timika and the Central Highlands through a supply chain distribution pattern.

Eleven, ensuring the presence of community health care centres (Puskesmas) and auxiliary puskesmas in all regions of Papua.

Twelve, ensuring the presence of quality schools from elementary to junior and senior high school level.

Thirteen, ensuring that talent from Papua is actively involved in Indonesia's development in different sectors.

And finally, developing telecommunications networks and cheap internet in all regions of Papua.


The botched Prabowo-led Mapenduma Operation to secure the release of World Wildlife Fund researchers taken hostage by the Free Papua Movement (OPM) in 1996 ended in a military attack on the Geselema village resulting in the death of up to eight civilians. The hostages themselves later escaped from their captors on their own accord.

[Translated by James Balowski. The original title of the article was "Hanya Ada Satu Kata "Papua" dalam Visi-Misi Prabowo-Gibran".]

Source: https://nasional.kompas.com/read/2023/11/01/09195871/hanya-ada-satu-kata-papua-dalam-visi-misi-prabowo-gibra
