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Jokowi calls on AGO to maintain public trust on its 63rd anniversary

Tempo - July 23, 2023

Antara, Jakarta – President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) called on the Attorney General's Office (AGO) to build on the momentum of its 63rd anniversary by striving to maintain high public trust in the agency.

"The people's trust (in the agency) should be maintained. The people's trust should be improved," the president emphasized while serving as inspector for the AGO's 63rd Anniversary ceremony in South Jakarta on Saturday.

"I am glad the trust in the AGO keeps increasing," he remarked.

The president highlighted a survey agency report showing that the public trust score in the AGO had reached 75.3 percent in August 2022 and increased to 81.2 percent by July 2023.

"It is the highest score recorded by the agency in the last nine years. I wish to congratulate all of you," Jokowi stated followed by applause among the ceremony participants.

However, the president called on the agency to not become complacent over the high level of public trust, as they should remain careful while performing their duty.

"But, you should be careful in maintaining it. Improving public trust is not easy. There is no room for complacency," he stated.

Jokowi also called on the AGO to constantly improve its performance through systematic and institutionalized work and planned and comprehensive transformations at all agency levels up to the regional level.

Closing his remarks, the president conveyed his anniversary greetings to the AGO. "I wish you all well in enforcing laws, upholding justice, and fighting for the people's and the nation's interest," Jokowi remarked.

Indonesian AGO's anniversary commemorates its establishment as an independent agency on July 22, 1960, following its separation from the Justice Department according to Presidential Resolution No. 204 of 1960 and ratified by Law No. 15 of 1961.

Source: https://en.tempo.co/read/1751167/jokowi-calls-on-ago-to-maintain-public-trust-on-its-63rd-anniversar
