Jakarta – The toll road between Cikopo and Palimanan, also known as Cipali, and the Merak ferry port in the western tip of Java Island will take the brunt of the massive spike in vehicle traffic during the Ramadan exodus starting this weekend, Transportation Minister Budi Karya Sumadi said in Jakarta on Friday.
The 116-kilometer Cipali highway is the main route for travelers heading to Central Java, East Java, and Yogyakarta. Merak in the province of Banten is the main sea crossing between Java and Sumatra.
"Keep Cipali under your watch. We need reports with more details from the area because the traffic there is huge. Next is the Merak Port due to maximum traffic volume to Sumatra," Budi said when seeing off B-Universe Media Holdings news teams for the Ramadan exodus coverage.
The teams departed to many strategic places across Java to get comprehensive news reporting of traffic conditions before, during, and after the Eid holiday which comes at the end of Ramadan.
They will spend days and nights on toll roads, train stations, bus terminals, airports, and seaports.
"On behalf of the government, I extend appreciation to B-Universe for doing this because the government cannot do everything alone. We need support from media organizations," Budi said.
The minister was accompanied by Rivan Purwantono, CEO of state-owned insurance company Jasa Raharja, and Brig. Gen. Yusri Yunus, a director of the Police Traffic Corps (Korlantas).
They were received by B-Universe's top management including Executive Chairman Enggartiasto Lukita, CEO Rio Abdurachman, and News Director Apreyvita Wulansari.
Source: https://jakartaglobe.id/news/cipali-merak-most-crowded-spots-during-ramadan-exodus-ministe