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Data on thousands of human rights abuses in Aceh handed over to government

CNN Indonesia - March 3, 2023

Jakarta – Aceh's traditional leader (Wali Nanggroe Aceh), Tgk Malik Mahmud Al Haytar, has handed over data on 5,000 cases of human rights violations that occurred in Aceh province to the central government through Coordinating Minister for Security, Politics and Legal Affairs Mahfud MD.

The data originates from the recapitalisation of investigations taken from direct statements by the Aceh Truth and Reconciliation Commission (KKR) in response by the public acknowledgement by the president that cases of human rights violations have taken place in Indonesia, including in Aceh.

"We ask that it be followed up immediately by the state in relation to three of the cases that were acknowledged by the president, and other cases of gross human rights violations that have occurred in Aceh in the past", said Malik Mahmud in a press release on Friday March 3.

He said that aside from the 5,000 cases, there were still many more cases where data is still being gathered. Then there are cases of human rights violations post the 2005 Helsinki peace agreement with the Free Aceh Movement (GAM), such as the massacre at Atu Lintang in Central Aceh.

Speaking to Mahfud, the Wali Nanggroe related how following the Atu Lintang case he went to the location personally to calm the situation that was growing heated.

"We are very committed to this peace [agreement], and we also want the central government to commit to what has already been regulated in the Helsinki MoU [Memorandum of Understanding] and the [2006] Law on Aceh Governance", he said.

Meanwhile, former GAM operational commander Kamaruddin Abubakar, who also took part in handing over the documents, said that they are still committed to the peace process. They have continued to endeavor to maintain stability among the 50,000 or so former GAM combatants in the field.

"And that (maintaining the stability of former GAM combatants) is not an easy thing", said Abubakar, who goes by the nom de guerre Abu Razak.

They are continuing to receive pressure from the field related to the comprehensive implementation of the points in the Aceh peace agreement, as well as the articles in the Law on Aceh Governance.

Moreover because the implementation of the Aceh peace deal is not complete, even though it has entered its 17th year, they continue to receive accusations from former GAM combatants.

"We ask that the points in the Helsinki MoU must be immediately completed. We continue to receive pressure in the field", said Abubakar.

In addition to this, there are also other responsibilities that must be taken care of, namely child victims of the conflict who are now already adults, who want to pursue an education, or who are currently pursuing an education.

"They also ask us about the sustainability of peace as embodied in the Helsinki MoU and the Law on Aceh Governance", he said.

Earlier on January 11, President Joko "Jokowi" Widodo acknowledged that gross human rights violations have taken place in Indonesia.

Three of these occurred in Aceh, namely the Rumoh Geudong and Pos Sattis incidents in Pidie in 1998, the Simpang KKA incident in North Aceh in 1999 and the Jambo Keupok incident in South Aceh in 2003. (pmg/pmg)

[Translated by James Balowski. The original title of the article was "Ribuan Data Kasus Pelanggaran HAM di Aceh Diserahkan ke Mahfud MD".]

Source: https://www.cnnindonesia.com/nasional/20230303170759-12-920492/ribuan-data-kasus-pelanggaran-ham-di-aceh-diserahkan-ke-mahfud-m
