Jayapura, Jubi – Linus Hiluka, a victim and witness of human rights violations in the 2003 Wamena case, wrote an open letter to the Indonesian President, the Coordinating Ministry for Political, Legal, and Human Rights, as well as the National Commission of Human Rights (Komnas HAM).
In his letter, Hiluka emphasized that the Indonesian government must openly resolve cases of human rights violations, including Wamena and Wasior cases, through visiting each said regency and the crime scene.
"The settlement of cases of past human rights violations must be open, honest and fair, and cannot impose the wishes of the government, but heed the wishes of the families of victims," Linus Hiluka told Jubi in a short message on Sunday, February 5, 2023.
"Especially for the Wamena case, all families of the victims have given their trust to Mr. Theo Hesegem as a Papuan human rights defender, therefore please contact him and he will connect the government with us, the families of the victims," he said.
For this reason, he emphasized that the families of victims have agreed not to allow the settlement of the Wamena case to be done through individuals who have no interest in contacting the victims and their families.
"Anyone who will contact me related to the settlement of human rights violations, please show a letter from the President," he said.
He added that the families of the victims have also conveyed their stance in statements to the team formed by the central government to resolve the case, and they are still waiting for an answer from the President. (*)
Source: https://en.jubi.id/victim-of-wamena-human-rights-violations-calls-for-open-settlement