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Sexual assault case emerges from state ministry

Tempo - October 26, 2022

Sunu Dyantoro, Jakarta – Since news involving a case related to sexual assault emerged from the Ministry of Cooperatives and Small and Medium Enterprises (Kemenkop UKM), police have detained four alleged perpetrators.

However, the police then issued an SP3 order that effectively stops the investigation after the families of the victims and the perpetrators agreed to settle amicably and marry the victim to the sexual harasser.

In a statement on Wednesday, October 26, the Ministry stated that it had imposed sanctions on perpetrators in the form of the dismissal of 2 honorary employees and the demotion of two civil servants to a lower job position for one year.

The latest development has seen the victim's family reopen the sexual violence case by reporting to legal aid LBH APIK and the Ombudsman. The Ministry of Cooperatives and SMEs asked the victim's family to conduct a pretrial on the case that was already in SP3.

The Ministry then formed an Independent Team in an effort to resolve sexual assault cases within the Ministry which consists of the Special Staff of the Coordinating Minister for Small and Medium Enterprises for Economic Affairs M. Riza Damanik, Ministry of Women's Empowerment and Child Protection (PPPA), Women Activists Sri Nurherwati, Ririn Sefsani, and Ratna Bataramunti.

The Cooperatives and SMEs Minister Teten Masduki during a press conference after meeting with the families of victims, companions, and female activists at the Ministry's headquarters, said the Independent Team hones two main tasks, namely, collecting facts and providing recommendations for resolving cases of sexual violence for a maximum of 1 month.

"Another task is to formulate an internal Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for handling sexual crimes from the Ministry for three months. We want this momentum to be used to improve internally," said Minister Teten.

Teten Masduki deemed the discussion with activists to be very productive in finding solutions. "Because the Kemenkop UKM does not tolerate the practice of sexual violence. We will immediately follow up," said Minister Teten.

Activists call for perpetrators to be punished

On the same occasion, activist Ririn Sefsani emphasized that legal steps will continue to be carried out to hold the sexual assaulters legally accountable and help victims receive protection and justice in the fulfillment of their rights.

"We welcome the Coordinating Minister for SMEs and Cooperatives's responsive result after receiving our legal complaint. The coordinating Ministry is making quick steps to resolve cases by forming an independent team. If this is in accordance with the time allotted and has good results, the Ministry can become a role model for handling sexual violence, " he said.

Ririn added, the recently passed Law (UU) on the Sexual Violence Criminal Act (TPKS) guarantees protection for the victim.

Source: https://en.tempo.co/read/1649485/sexual-assault-case-emerges-from-state-ministr
