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Indonesia Police Watch comments on popular hashtag despising police

Tempo - October 11, 2021

Andita Rahma, Jakarta – The Indonesia Police Watch (IPW) argued that the viral social media hashtag saying that filing a police report would be pointless (#PercumaLaporPolisi) should be a momentum for evaluation.

The widespread online criticism came after an independent media reported that the police in South Sulawesi had dropped an alleged child rape case.

IPW Chairperson Sugeng Teguh Santoso said the existence of the hashtag can reduce public trust towards police.

"Even though that hashtag is in the context of the East Luwu Police Sector in the South Sulawesi police, the consequence is like the proverb that says 'one rotten apple will spoil the whole barrel'," Sugeng mentioned in his written statement on October 11.

Moreover, the IPW feared more cases that were unprofessionally handled by law enforcers would emerge more frequently. Therefore, Sugeng called for the National Police Chief Listyo Sigit to evaluate the police institution.

Source: https://en.tempo.co/read/1515951/indonesia-police-watch-comments-on-popular-hashtag-despising-polic
