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Mysterious phone calls terrorize speakers of discussion on Papua

Tempo - June 5, 2020

Egi Adyatama, Jakarta – Multiple mysterious phone calls have terrorized an Amnesty International discussion touching on rights violations in Papua and West Papua held on Friday, June 5, 2020.

The mysterious phone calls were received by the speakers of the discussion on the Amnesty International's latest reports for the United Nations (UN) titled "Civil and Political Rights' Violations in Papua and West Papua".

Amnesty International director Usman Hamid, who was among the speakers, was also terrorized by the phone calls during his presentation. Usman said some mysterious numbers tried to reach him repeatedly after he rejected the first one.

"They [the phone calls] just would not stop, constant," he said during the event.

Besides Usman, Yuliana S. Yabansabra from Elsham Papua, also a speaker, received similar calls via her cell phone, which forced her to defer her presentation and switch to a laptop as she was using her cell phone for the teleconference.

Usman said she was curious about the calls as the numbers did not hail from Indonesia and kept on changing. Usman said the situation was similar to the hacking of the cell phone belonging to public policy analyst Ravio Patra.

"The numbers kept changing, from a state in Canada, a state in America. This is similar to Rovio's case," Usman said.

Another speaker, Tigor G. Hutapea, also received similar calls. "I also received similar calls from different numbers, please give me some time to switch to a laptop," he said.

Source: https://en.tempo.co/read/1350096/mysterious-phone-calls-terrorize-speakers-of-discussion-on-papua
