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Bogor overwhelmed by thousands of illegal immigrants

Tempo - February 12, 2019

Ade Ridwan Yandwiputra, Jakarta – Head of Bogor National and Political Unity Office (Kesbangpol) Wawan Darmawan revealed that Puncak remains as the favored area in Bogor District for illegal immigrants, which have accumulated to 1,766 people.

"Many of the immigrants remain undetected," said Wawan on Tuesday, February 12. "They mostly originate from conflict nations such as Afghanistan, Palestine, and similarly situated countries."

Online news headlines were once filled with a story of a Palestinian immigrant establishing a food stall at Pakansari Stadium in Cibinong, which is actually an area barred for street vendors.

"The issue of immigrants is the responsibility of many people, but the leading sector is at the Immigrations. They only monitor illegal immigrants, while these (cases in Bogor) are refugees," said Wawan.

Bogor Regent Ade Yasin said that he has yet come up with a solution to handle the issue of illegal immigrants spread across Bogor areas but has coordinated the problem with Head of Immigrations and plans to relocate the immigrants to a single location.

"We must handle this carefully, this involves human rights issue. On one side, we have to care for this humanitarian issue but on the other hand, we have to uphold the law," said Ade Yasin.

Source: https://en.tempo.co/read/1174825/bogor-overwhelmed-by-thousands-of-illegal-immigrants
