Celestina Soares – Currently, 396 teachers have received inclusive education training; from this number 70 people have their Masters in this area.
The Head of Inclusive Education, Jose Monteiro said 396 teachers are all ready teaching inclusive education because they are trained. "70 masters received training by international trainers, after, they can provide training to other people," he said in Dili.
He said the training is about, how to teach people who have disabilities such as, mute, blind, deaf people and IQ impairment. "For example, teaching mute people, on how to transfer knowledge, is about using body language to communicate with them so they can understand," he said.
He added, in the plan of 2017 training was to be provide in Viqueque, Same, Suai and Oe-Cusse municipalities, although the time is limited therefore training will be implemented next year so all the teachers can receive training to teach students who have a disability.
"We intend to prepare a talking clock for next year, especially for blind students in order to ensure these things are in the center," he said.
The CAUCUS Director, Paula Corte Real said it was important for the Ministry of Education to provide training to the inclusive education teachers, as they teach the people with disabilities.
"They should receive the training before teaching so they have the knowledge to teach people with disabilities, besides at the same time they also can learn," she said.