Celestina Soares – Since 2016, the government through the Ministry of Education has distributed 1100 chairs and tables to schools throughout Timor-Leste.
The Director General of the Ministry of Education (ME), Antoninho Pires said now there are only 200 or 300 chairs left, as the rest have been distributed.
"We have distributed the chairs and tables to schools identified, while for new schools with new class rooms, distribution will take palce in 2018, " said DG Pires in Dili.
The Program Manager for the Timor-Leste Coalition for Education (TLCE), Matias dos Santos said the lack of chairs and tables is a public concern and happens annually.
"The Ministry of Education must prioritize basic issues, in particular facilities and must ensure these have chairs and tables. This is the most basic thing," he urged.
Meanwhile, a student from Secondary School 4 Setembru, Balide, Zeferino Pereira acknowledged in a recent examination students sat on the floor because there were no chairs.
"We hope that the new government pays attention to our schools, so we don't have to sit on the floor anymore," he hoped.