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In Papua, sexual harassment often occurs in women journalists

Tabloid JUBI - February 5, 2017

Jayapura, Jubi – In addition to the issue of freedom of the press is still cause for concern in Papua, Papuan women journalists face other problems that are not less alarming. Sexual harassment often override these women journalists after reporting.

This fact was discovered by eight journalists from eight media based in Jakarta, Makassar and Solo that since 29 January to 3 February 2017 visit to Papua to get the facts on the ground related to press freedom in Papua. Eight journalists have joined the Media Freedom Committee Indonesia (MFCI).

"It usually happens after my coverage. Sources covered starting to wonder through short messages (SMS). The initial question is usually about things that are reasonable. But the next question began to lead on matters of a personal nature and finally smelled of sexual abuse," Adi said Marsela, one of eight journalists who visited Papua in konsferensi Press held at aone, Jakarta, Saturday (02/04/2017).

He continued, cases of sexual harassment such as this are often taken for granted by women journalists. "The journalist chose not to report a sexual abuse to the authorities," he said.

Another problem found by eight journalists are journalists regeneration. Media companies is difficult to recruit new journalists.

"Radar Timika never recruit journalists recently, in the first day there are thirty who joined the training, on the second day was reduced to 12 people, and on the third day is no more coming," said Palupi Auliani, journalists involved in the project MFCI in Timika,

The business model is unhealthy effect on the independence of the media. "For example in Timika, the media revenues sourced from Freeport and its subsidiaries and local governments," added Palupi.

For additional information, Press Freedom Index compiled Press Council in 2015 mentions Papua province in a state of somewhat free with a score of 63.88. The province of West Papua province recorded as less free with chord 52.56. (*)

Source: http://tabloidjubi.com/artikel-3458–di-papua-pelecehan-sexual-sering-terjadi-pada-jurnalis-perempuan-.html
