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Press Council: Hate speech circular could curb democracy

Jakarta Globe - November 3, 2015

Jakarta – The Chairman of Indonesia's Press Council has criticized a circular issued by the National Police ordering a crackdown on hate speech, saying that it could be used to curb democracy and freedom of speech.

Bagir Manan, a former Supreme Court chief justice, said the circular is unnecessary as there are no indicators to objectively measure intent by those charged. Public officials and others could misuse the order to suppress or jail people.

"I have my own concern about that circular. It indeed tells people to watch their tongues when it comes to spreading hatred. But it also says that there are legal actions for spreading hatred. That could be dangerous," Bagir said on Monday.

Source: http://jakartaglobe.beritasatu.com/politics/press-council-hate-speech-circular-curb-democracy/
