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Huge turnout as Balinese decry porn bill

Jakarta Post - March 4, 2006

I Wayan Juniartha, Denpasar – About 1,000 protesters here greeted a visiting delegation of legislators deliberating the pornography bill by threatening to organize acts of civil disobedience if it becomes law.

"We designed the rally to underline the open and tolerant nature of Balinese culture. That's the reason why the rally is filled with traditional art performances and music concerts," the rally's chief organizer, I Gusti Ngurah Harta, said.

A regional youth leader, who met with the House group, also warned that Bali would secede from Indonesia if the bill took effect.

"If this bill is passed, we won't hesitate to leave the Republic of Indonesia," Bali branch head of the Indonesian National Youth Committee, I Putu Gede Indriawan Karna, said to applause as quoted by detik.com.

Protesters came from all walks of life, numbering community activists, academics and ordinary citizens, and included a transsexual who took time to freshen up during the rally (photo above).

There has been widespread opposition to the bill, which critics say goes too far in taking a moralistic approach to clamp down on pornographic materials and obscene acts, which would also include public displays of affection. Women's rights activists fear women are particularly vulnerable to its misuse, while some ethnic groups, such as the Balinese and Papuans, have nudity as part of their cultural displays.

The rally opened at Ngurah Rai International Airport with dozens of cheerleaders welcoming the eight legislators upon their arrival.

Local punk and reggae bands, including popular Superman is Dead and Lolot, then took the stage at Puputan Margarana square with songs promoting freedom of expression.

In the afternoon, Cak performers, led by world renowned dancer Rina, enlivened the rally with their primal, trance-like display. Their powerful performance was followed by a riotous show of Joged Bumbung, Bali's most sensuous folk dance. Four female dancers, including a bare-breasted older woman, transfixed the audience.

They performed across the street from the building where the delegation met with Bali's vice governor Alit Kelakan as well as local community figures and scholars.

"Balinese arts and religious beliefs have never considered sensuality and sexuality as an impure, morally reprehensible thing. Instead, sensuality and sexuality are treated as natural, integral parts of our lives as human beings," another rally organizer, Cok Sawitri, said.

"In the past, Balinese women never wore a bra, yet the custom did not turn the society into a sex-craving, pornographically demented community."

A participant in the meeting with the legislators said they reminded them that Indonesia was not a monolithic state where one group could impose its values on the rest.

"The bill has blatantly ignored the fact that Indonesia comprises hundreds of ethnic groups with different cultural values and religious beliefs. The bill, which represents the moral values and belief of one single group, has the potential to cause the disintegration of the state," I Gusti Putu Artha said.

Women's rights activist Luh Anggraeni said the bill discriminated against women."It is as if the woman is the only party responsible for the nation's moral decadence. Most of the prohibitive articles in the bill are directed at women."

Participants also said the passage of the bill would inflict irreparable damage on the local tourism industry, the island's economic backbone, already hobbled by a downturn in visitors from two separate bombings in the last four years.
