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200 NGOs and social organisations decide not to vote

Detik.com - August 26, 2004

M. Rizal Maslan, Jakarta – A national meeting of civil society involving around 200 non-government and social organisations has taken a decision not to vote in the second-round of the presidential elections on September 20 because they have no faith in the two presidential candidates who are contesting the election.

"We have no faith in the two presidential candidates [who are contesting the election] at this time and we will therefore not be voting", said July Eko Nugroho from the Yogyakarta National Secretariat of Civil Society at a press conference at the Hotel Milenium on Jalan Fahrudin in Central Jakarta on Thursday August 26. Also present at the press conference was Asmara Nababan and Otto Iskandar from Indonesia Human Rights Watch (Imparsial).

The meeting also produced an agreement to organise civil society in an institution to be called the National Secretariat of Civil Society. Nuranini Hilir was nominated to head the organisation in the position of facilitator.

During the press conference Hilir added that the decision not to vote was taken because they believe that the second-round of the presidential elections will not bring any benefits to civil society. "It is a waste of time to support these presidential candidates because for us one of the candidates is [a former] military [officer] who has committed human rights violations. The other is from a government which to date has failed [in its mandate]", said Nuraini.

The national meeting of civil society which is being held at the Hotel Milenium began on August 22 and will end on August 26. The meeting aims to formulate a joint platform for the civil society movement to be able to respond to the latest political and economic challenges and included a number of sessions on how to determine this platform. Speakers at the event included Asmara Nababan, Thamrin Amal, Munir, Kusnanto Anggoro, Faisal Basri and Dita Indah Sari.

As well as taking a decision not to vote, the meeting also produced platforms on various issues such as militarism, urging the TNI (armed forces) and national police to submit to state authority in carrying out their national duties and calling for a division of authority between the TNI and police. Other platforms include building local movements to oppose neoliberalism which will emphasise collectivity in achieving outcomes in accordance with the needs of society. (iy)

[Translated by James Balowski.]
