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Dita Sari refuses to be released from jail

DeTAK - December 12, 1998

While [most] prisoners dream about and will do anything to be released from prison, Dita Sari has instead refused to be released. Initially, the only women political prisoner in Indonesia who was sentenced to five years jail, was happy to hear that she would be released on November 14. However, when she found out about the conditions of her release, Dita immediately rejected it.

"[The conditions of my release stipulate that] I cannot be involved in politics until the year 2002", Dita explained. According to Dita, who is the chairperson of the [independent trade union] Centre for Labour Struggle which is affiliated to the People's Democratic Party, these conditions are an effort to demoralise her as an activist.

"The government doesn't really want to release me. They are only looking for a way to save themselves because they cannot stand the international pressure", said Dita when she met Ezki Suyanto from DeTAK at the Tangerang Women's Prison last week.

Dita [said] she felt calmer about her decision because Ajidar, her father, gave her his full support. Actually her father had already prepared everything [for her release] including building a room complete with furnishings for the return of his beloved daughter.

What can be done. The room will still not be occupied until the year 2000 when Dita has finished her full sentence.

[Slightly abridged translation by James Balowski]
