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Nusron Wahid prepares 854,662 hectares of land for food security program

Tempo - January 10, 2025

Riri Rahayu, Agung Sedayu, Jakarta – Agrarian and Spatial Planning Minister/Head of the National Land Agency (ATR/BPN) Nusron Wahid said there are 854,662 hectares of abandoned land reserves to support President Prabowo Subianto's priority programs.

In addition, there is an additional 10,000 hectares of land resulting from the conversion of Cultivation Rights Title (HGU) to Building Rights Title (HGB) due to spatial changes.

"Of the total reserves, 209,780 hectares are allocated to support the national food security program," Nusron said during a coordination meeting at the Coordinating Ministry for Infrastructure and Regional Development (IPK) on Wednesday, January 8, 2025, as quoted from a written statement.

Then, 567,585 hectares of land have been allocated for the transmigration program. Nusron said this land will be handed over to the Ministry of Transmigration to support the relocation of people to new areas, create centers of economic growth outside Java, and reduce population pressure in congested areas.

As for the public housing program, Nusron has prepared 77,297 hectares plus 10,000 hectares of converted land. Therefore, he is optimistic that the 3 million house program worked on by the Ministry of Housing and Settlement Areas (PKP) can run smoothly.

"We think there is no problem with the availability of land for the 3 million house program," said Nusron.

Previously, Nusron said that the construction of 3 million houses with an assumption of 60 square meters required 22,200 hectares of land. Although the availability of land for this program is not a problem, Nusron previously said that the current issue is the suitability of the topographic map and the availability of road infrastructure to get there.

Source: https://en.tempo.co/read/1962338/nusron-wahid-prepares-854662-hectares-of-land-for-food-security-progra
