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Lawmaker criticizes 2025 hajj cost decrease of only $1

Jakarta Globe - January 3, 2025

Zhulfakar, Jakarta – The House of Representatives' (DPR) Commission VIII criticized the government's proposed 2025 Hajj pilgrimage cost (BPIH), which is only slightly lower than the previous year's figure. The Religious Affairs Ministry has proposed the 2025 BPIH at Rp 93,389,684 ($5,756), a decrease of just Rp 20,600 ($1.3) compared to 2024.

"The government has proposed a reduction of around Rp 20,600 in the Hajj cost compared to 2024," said Commission VIII Chair Marwan Dasopang following a working meeting with the ministry at the parliamentary complex in Senayan, Jakarta, on Thursday.

Marwan criticized the minor reduction, stating that it fell short of public expectations. He called on Religious Affairs Minister Nasaruddin Umar to fulfill his earlier commitment to significantly reduce Hajj costs.

The proposed cost-sharing scheme, where 70 percent is covered by pilgrims and 30 percent subsidized by the government, also drew criticism. Under this scheme, pilgrims would pay Rp 65,372,779 out of the total BPIH, while the state would cover the remaining Rp 28,016,905.

"With the 70-30 scheme, pilgrims are burdened with 70 percent of the cost, which is unfair and excessive," Marwan said, urging the government to reconsider the scheme.

Commission VIII also called for improved fund management by the Hajj Financial Management Agency (BPKH). Marwan pointed out that the agency's target of generating Rp 12 trillion in benefits had not been met, with the latest realization reaching only Rp 11.4 trillion.

"If the target is met, there's a potential to adjust the subsidy scheme to 60-40," Marwan added.

The discussion regarding the 2025 Hajj cost proposal will continue as Commission VIII and the Religious Affairs Ministry work on refining the scheme and addressing public concerns.

With 5.4 million Indonesian Muslims on the waiting list to perform the Hajj pilgrimage, the demand continues to grow each year. Indonesia, home to the world's largest Muslim population, has an annual Hajj quota of around 200,000 pilgrims, which means the current waiting list spans at least 25 years.

Source: https://jakartaglobe.id/news/lawmaker-criticizes-2025-hajj-cost-decrease-of-only-
