Alif Ilham Fajriadi, Jakarta – Indonesian President Prabowo Subianto alluded to the western understanding of economics known as neoliberalism. According to him, this understanding is not adopted by Indonesia because he claims that the nation's founders structured the economy based on the principle of family.
"The founders of the Indonesian nation did not adopt that understanding (neoliberalism). The government is not just a referee, the government is responsible, it must be a protector of the people," said Prabowo while giving a speech at the National Musrenbang RPJMN 2025-2029, monitored online via the Presidential Secretariat YouTube on Monday, December 30, 2024.
Prabowo assessed that the government must be a pioneer and manager in the economic system. The goal is to maintain the wealth of the Indonesian nation. Meanwhile, in the context of neoliberalism, Prabowo believes that economic development tends to be without planning which makes the government only act as a regulator or referee.
"In our current understanding of the economy, it is mandatory and appropriate to call our economy a Pancasila economy," said Prabowo. "Pancasila economics is a combination of the best of free market understanding, the best of planned economics."
In his speech, Prabowo also touched on cases that target the country's economy. He gave an example of one of them in the incident of textile smuggling from abroad that could endanger domestic sovereignty.
"Textile smuggling threatens industry, threatens hundreds of thousands of our workers," said Prabowo. "Should the ship be sunk? Please, professors, give me input. Later I will be thought to not understand the law."
Prabowo also claimed that his government adheres to the 1945 Constitution. The government under his leadership, he said, has good intentions. He also wants to lead the nation with a clean government. "That is our desire and that is our determination," said the General Chair of the Gerindra Party.