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Over 100 people suffer burns from caustic soda spills in Cimahi

Jakarta Globe - December 26, 2024

Algi Muhamad Gifari, Bandung – At least 104 motorists have suffered dermatitis and burns due to spills of liquid caustic soda from a tanker along an intercity road in Cimahi, West Java, police reported on Thursday.

The incident, which occurred on Tuesday, affected the main road connecting the West Java towns of Padalarang and Purwakarta. The chemical spill also caused minor damage to passing motorcycles and cars due to its corrosive effects on metal surfaces.

"The number of victims from the hazardous chemical substance exceeds 100, with at least four individuals suffering severe burns," Cimahi Police Chief Adjunct Chief Comr. Tri Suhartanto said during a press briefing. "The traffic police have interrogated 10 witnesses. We have yet to identify any suspects as the investigation is ongoing."

Tri added that the police plan to consult experts to determine the cause of the leakage and summon executives from the chemical company responsible for the tanker.

The affected road has been cleared of caustic soda residue and deemed safe for traffic by the West Java Police's chemical, biology, and radioactive unit.

Medical examinations revealed that most victims are suffering from eye irritation and skin burns, with several requiring hospitalization for severe injuries.

"Several motorists lost control and crashed due to the slippery road surface caused by the chemical spills," Tri said.

"We have registered approximately 200 vehicles damaged by the spills. The company has confirmed its readiness to pay financial compensation," the officer added, without disclosing the company's name.

An official from the local environment preservation agency identified the tanker as belonging to Yasindo Multi Prima. Further investigations are underway to establish accountability and prevent similar incidents in the future.

Source: https://jakartaglobe.id/news/over-100-people-suffer-burns-from-caustic-soda-spills-in-cimah
