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Prabowo pardons corruptors, Yusril Ihza: Komcad program becomes amnesty requirement for productive age prisoners

Tempo - December 24, 2024

Ananda Ridho Sulistya, Jakarta – Indonesian President Prabowo Subianto is said to want to pardon corruptors as long as they return the money to the state. Coordinating Minister for Law, Human Rights, Immigration, and Corrections, Yusril Ihza Mahendra, responded to President Prabowo Subianto's idea of pardoning the corruptors. According to Yusril, this can be implemented by granting amnesty and abolition.

"President Prabowo has the authority to grant amnesty and abolition for any criminal act, including corruption," said Yusril Ihza. However, according to the mandate of the constitution, the President will ask for consideration from the House of Representatives (DPR) before granting amnesty and abolition.

Even so, Yusril said that the government will formulate an obligation to follow the reserve component (komcad) program for productive-age prisoners to receive amnesty from President Prabowo Subianto.

"Komcad is indeed not mandatory for other citizens, but if the President says 'whoever is willing to be trained to become a komcad, given amnesty', it can be. We will formulate that later," said Yusril when met at the Coordinating Ministry for Law and Human Rights Imipas Office, Jakarta, Friday, December 19, 2024 as reported by Antara.

President Prabowo, continued Yusril, is of the opinion that drug convicts who are users should be rehabilitated, not sentenced to prison. Therefore, the President wants to grant amnesty to the convicts in question.

He explained that amnesty is different from clemency. Granting amnesty has certain requirements, including one of which is the requirement to participate in the komcad program, while clemency is entirely the prerogative of the president.

Yusril said that the komcad requirement will later be given to drug convicts who are still of productive age. The convicts who are given amnesty can participate in the komcad program and be channeled to help government programs.

On the other hand, Yusril said that productive-age drug convicts who were given amnesty and joined the reserve unit were not a militaristic policy, but rather a military way or resolving something through military means.

"These children, these young people are trained in discipline, lines, all sorts of things, and then deployed to areas that are currently government programs. The government wants food self-sufficiency and that opens plantations in Papua and Kalimantan, those who have been trained by the reserve unit can be deployed there, if they are interested," said Yusril.

Yusril said that most of the approximately 44 thousand convicts who will be granted amnesty by President Prabowo are drug users, while corruption convicts are only a small portion.

"There are only a few thousand who are corrupt, the most are narcotics," he said.

The plan to grant amnesty to 44,000 prisoners was conveyed to the public after a limited meeting of a number of ministers of the Red and White Cabinet at the Presidential Palace, Friday, December 13, 2024.

Minister of Law Supratman Andi Agtas said that prisoners who were granted amnesty were encouraged to be involved in the reserve component program. "If later it is considered that they can be released, the President suggests that they can join the reserve component for those of productive age," he said.

In Indonesia, the granting of amnesty by every President of the Republic of Indonesia has a long history that has been carried out since the reign of President Sukarno. Here are some examples of the implementation of amnesty in Indonesia.

Soekarno once granted amnesty to people involved in the D.I./T.I.I. Kahar Muzakar rebellion in South Sulawesi by issuing Decree Number 303 of 1959.

Soeharto also granted general amnesty and abolition to followers of the Fretilin movement in East Timor both domestically and abroad. This amnesty was issued by Soeharto through Presidential Decree Number 63 of 1977.

Most recently, the Joko Widodo government granted amnesty to Baiq Nuril who was charged with the Electronic Information and Transactions Law (UU ITE) because she was accused of recording and spreading immoral conversations with the former Principal of SMAN 7 Mataram, Muslim, who often called her.

Source: https://en.tempo.co/read/1956250/prabowo-pardons-corruptors-yusril-ihza-komcad-program-becomes-amnesty-requirement-for-productive-age-prisoner
