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Indonesia's BPS records textile imports increased, mostly from China

Tempo - December 17, 2024

Ilona Estherina, Jakarta – The Central Statistics Agency (BPS) noted an increase in imports of ready-to-wear clothing entering Indonesia. Acting Head of BPS, Amalia Adininggar Widyasanti, said that the largest imports of textiles and textile products or TPT came from China.

Imports of ready-to-wear clothing, especially those included in the textile and textile product identification code (HS) group, soared in November 2024. Amalia explained that the increase was approximately 10.53 percent compared to last month. "The main country for ready-to-wear clothing imports for Indonesia is China, which contributed 42.69 percent," she said during the presentation on the Development of Indonesian Exports and Imports on Monday, December 16, 2024.

In addition to China, the main countries contributing to ready-to-wear clothing imports are Vietnam, followed by Bangladesh. Their respective contributions were 10.48 percent and 8.95 percent.

The total value of Indonesia's imports in November 2024 reached US$19.59 billion, down 10.71 percent compared to October. Oil and gas exports in November reached US$2.57 billion, while non-oil and gas exports were US$17.02 billion.

China is still the main country of origin for non-oil and gas imports with a contribution of 38.35 percent to Indonesia's total non-oil and gas imports. The value of imports from China reached US$6.53 billion. "Compared to last month, this value is higher," he said.

In addition to China, the largest countries of origin for imports are Japan with a value of US$1.49 billion, then the United States with US$0.76 billion. Non-oil and gas imports from ASEAN countries amounted to US$2.75 billion and from the European Union amounted to US$0.99 billion.

Source: https://en.tempo.co/read/1953671/indonesias-bps-records-textile-imports-increased-mostly-from-chin
