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C. Kalimantan Police dishonorably discharge officer over murder case

Jakarta Post - December 17, 2024

Jakarta – Central Kalimantan Police have dishonorably discharged an officer from the Palangka Raya City Police, identified only as Brig. AK, for his involvement in a murder case, following a professional code of ethics hearing.

Sr. Comr. Nugroho, head of Central Kalimantan Police's Internal Affairs Division (Propam), confirmed the dismissal during a press conference on Monday.

"The person concerned has been dishonorably discharged, dishonorably discharged," he said in Palangka Raya, as quoted by kompas.com.

The case stemmed from AK's suspected role in the death of BA, whose body was discovered in an oil palm plantation in Katingan regency on Dec. 6. The body was found in a state of advanced decomposition.

"We have been working on an investigative audit since Dec. 11 until today [Monday], in just four working days, we have completed the files and even held an ethics code hearing [which] finished at 11:30 a.m. this morning," Nugroho said.

Following the ethics hearing, it was determined that AK's actions were deemed reprehensible, leading to his removal from the force.

The case has drawn the attention of the House of Representatives.

The discovery of BA's body and the alleged involvement of a police officer in his death raised questions about the transparency of the investigation.

House Commission III chairman Habiburokhman highlighted on Sunday that the Central Kalimantan Police had not provided an official explanation.

"The head of the Commission III secretariat has contacted the Central Kalimantan Police, but there has been no official explanation," he said, as quoted by kompas.com.

He stressed the importance of transparency and professionalism in handling such cases to preserve public trust in the police.

Furthermore, the House is expected to hold a hearing on Tuesday to ensure the case is thoroughly investigated.

The murder case involving Brig. AK adds to a list of recent cases involving police officers.

An officer from Semarang Police in Central Java was also dishonorably discharged for killing a vocational high school student in the city on Nov. 24. Initially, the Semarang Police accused the victim of being involved in a brawl, only to retract that allegation. The officer, identified only as Adj. Second Insp. RZ, however, has since filed an appeal against the code of ethics ruling dismissing him.

On Nov. 22, South Solok Police operations chief Adj. Comr. Dadang Iskandar shot dead his colleague chief detective Adj. Comr. Ryanto Ulil, after the victim arrested suspects in an illegal mining case.

Source: https://www.thejakartapost.com/indonesia/2024/12/17/c-kalimantan-police-dishonorably-discharge-officer-over-murder-case.htm
