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Police uncover hidden narcotics factory in Bandung, Bogor

Jakarta Post - December 15, 2024

Jakarta – The police raided an international drug trafficking factory with drugs worth some Rp 670 billion (US$42 million) on Thursday inside of a house at the Podomoro Park upscale housing complex in Bojongsoang district, Bandung regency, West Java.

The successful raid was the result of cooperation between the National Police Criminal Investigation Agency (Bareskrim), the West Java Police and the Customs and Excise Directorate General.

"This revelation started with the discovery of a package in Nanggewer village, Cibinong district, Bogor regency, which [...] traced to clandestine labs in two other locations," Bareskrim deputy chief detective Insp. Gen. Asep Edi Suheri, said on Thursday, as quoted by Kompas.

Three suspects, identified as SR, SP and IV, were arrested. SP was responsible for mixing the drugs, IV handled packaging and SR acted as the link between the drug factories in Bogor and Bandung.

They were arrested at the house owned by SR.

Asep said the police were still hunting another suspect, identified as A, who controls the syndicate.

"This drug production is connected to the Malaysia-Indonesia network," Asep said.

During the raid, the police seized raw materials, finished drugs ready for distribution and production tools, such as 7,333 sachets of happy water powder, 494 bottles of 20-milliliter liquid vape, red, green and yellow pills containing MDMA, jerrycans containing alcohol and liquid vape in pandan and grape flavors, mixers, packaging machines and Rp 75 million in cash.

The Police investigation found that the drugs were set to be distributed in Jakarta for the New Year's Eve celebration.

"With the evidence valued at Rp 670 billion, we managed to save more than 9 million lives from the threat of drugs, particularly happy water and narcotic liquids," Asep said.

The police are now pursuing a suspect identified as A, who is believed to be the mastermind behind the drug network.

The suspects are charged under Article 114 (2), subsidiary to Article 113(2), in conjunction with Article 132(2) of the Law No. 35/2009 on Narcotics.

"[The accused face] the death penalty, life imprisonment or a minimum sentence of five years and a maximum of 20 years, along with fines ranging from a minimum of Rp 1 billion to a maximum of Rp 10 billion," Asep said.

Source: https://www.thejakartapost.com/indonesia/2024/12/15/police-uncover-hidden-narcotics-factory-in-bandung-bogor.htm
