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Government proposes amnesty for 18 Papuan prisoners, but not armed rebels

Kompas.com - December 13, 2024

Fika Nurul Ulya, Bagus Santosa, Jakarta – Minister of Law (Menkum) Supratman Andi Agtas has revealed that it has been proposed that as many as 18 prisoners involved in cases related to Papua are to be given amnesty.

He stressed however that the proposed prisoners are those who were not involved in armed criminal groups (KKB), the government name for Papuan armed rebel groups.

Agtas made the statement following a meeting with Coordinating Minister for Legal, Human Rights, Immigration, and Corrections Institutions Yusril Ihza Mahendra, Human Rights Minister Natalius Pigai and President Prabowo Subianto at the Presidential Palace in Jakarta on Friday December 13.

"Including some cases related to Papua, there are approximately 18 people, but those who were not armed. The president also agreed to give them amnesty", Agtas said at the Presidential Palace complex.

He explained that the granting of amnesty was a step to reconcile with the people of Papua. "This is part of good faith so that Papua becomes calmer", he said.

According to Agtas most of the proposed cases are those involving activists who were imprisoned for expressing their opinions. "This is part of our efforts to reconcile with friends in Papua. This is an endeavour of good faith by the government", he added.

Furthermore, Agtas explained that the 18 Papuan prisoners are just part of 44,000 prisoners proposed by the government to be given amnesty. The final decision however will require consideration from the House of Representatives (DPR).

Aside from the Papua cases, there are also other prisoners who have been proposed to receive amnesty, including those who suffer from congenital diseases such as HIV and individuals with mental disorders. "There are approximately one thousand people, who will also asked to be given amnesty", he said.

Agtas added that prisoners who underwent rehabilitation due to narcotics use were also included in the list of amnesty proposals. "Despite this, we will convey the exact amount after we conduct an assessment together with the Minister of Immigration", he explained.

[Translated by James Balowski. The original title of the article was "Menkum Supratman Usulkan Amnesti untuk 18 Narapidana Papua".]

Source: https://nasional.kompas.com/read/2024/12/13/20075501/menkum-supratman-usulkan-amnesti-untuk-18-narapidana-papu
