Ervana Trikarinaputri, Jakarta – The Public Prosecutor (JPU) from the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) demanded 10 former employees of the KPK detention center to be sentenced to four years in prison. The charges was read out during the trial of the corruption case involving illegal levies or extortion against KPK detainees.
Prosecutors charged them with separate case files. Seven defendants were registered in case file number 68/Pid.Sus-TPK/2024/PN Jkt.Pst. They were employees of the KPK detention center who had served as 'wardens' or coordinators of monthly allowance money from detainees.
"Demanding, imposing sentences on defendants Muhammad Ridwan, Mahdi Aris, Suharlan, Ricky Rahmawanto, Wardoyo, Muhammad Abduh, and Ramadhan Ubaidillah each with a four-year prison sentence," said the prosecutor when reading out the demands in the trial at the Corruption Crime Court (Tipikor) at the Central Jakarta District Court, Monday, November 25, 2024.
JPU also demanded that they each pay a fine of Rp200 million. "If the fine is not paid, then it will be replaced with a six-month imprisonment," said the prosecutor.
Meanwhile, the case file of three other defendants extortion in the KPK Detention Center who were also demanded a four-year prison sentence, namely Eri Angga Permana, Agung Nugroho, and Ari Rahman Hakim, were registered under case number 69/Pid.Sus-TPK/2024/PN Jkt.Pst. Prosecutors demanded the 3 civil servant employees (PNYD) from the Ministry of Law and Human Rights to pay a fine of Rp250 million or serve 6 months imprisonment.
In addition, the 10 former detention center staff were demanded an additional punishment in the form of restitution that must be paid within one month from the final legal force of the court's decision. Prosecutors demanded Ridwan to pay restitution of Rp159.5 million or serve 8 months imprisonment; Mahdi Rp96.2 million or serve 6 months in prison; Suharlan Rp103.4 million or serve 8 months imprisonment; and Ricky Rp116.45 million or serve 8 months in prison.
Meanwhile, the prosecutor asked the judges to impose additional restitution on defendant Wardoyo amounting to Rp71.15 million or serve 6 months; Abduh Rp93.95 million or serve 6 months; and Ubaidillah Rp135.2 million or serve 8 months.
As for Eri Angga, he was demanded an additional punishment in the form of restitution amounting to Rp94.3 million or serve 6 months imprisonment, and Agung Rp56 million or serve 6 months.
The defendants were allegedly involved in extortion or extortion cases against detainees at the KPK Branch Detention Centers amounting to Rp6.38 billion between 2019-2023. The extortion practice was carried out in three KPK Branch Detention Centers, namely the KPK Detention Center at the Red and White Building (K4), the KPK Detention Center in Building C1, and the KPK Detention Center at Pomdam Jaya Guntur.