Hendri Agung Pratama, Fauzi Ibrahim, Jakarta – The National Human Rights Commission or Komnas HAM reported that the National Police is the most frequently reported for torture cases compared to other state institutions. From January 1, 2020, to June 24, 2024, the human rights institution received a total of 176 torture cases by police out of 282 reports.
"The one who got reported the most (regarding torture) are the police," said Komnas HAM Human Rights Advancement Sub-commission Coordinator Anis Hidayah in a discussion organized by Amnesty International Indonesia entitled 'Penyiksaan: Asian Value?' on Wednesday, June 26, 2024.
Komnas HAM also stated the Indonesian armed forces as the second most reported institution after the police with 15 torture cases. The third position was held by the Correctional Penitentiary or the State Detention Center with 10 torture cases.
Anis explained that torture cases occurred throughout Indonesia, with the largest reported number of 47 cases in West Sumatra, followed by 25 cases in Jakarta, and 21 cases in South Sumatra.
However, Anis stressed that the data could not represent all cases in the country as many people are yet to report findings of torture allegations by state institutions to Komnas HAM.
KontraS releases data
In line with data released by Komnas HAM, the Commission for Missing Persons and Victims of Violence (KontraS) reported the police as the institution committing the most cases of torture.
According to the data obtained from the period of June 2023 to May 2024, the acts of torture include cruel, inhuman, and degrading treatment and punishment. "As an institution, the police committed the most acts of torture," said Dimas Bagus Arya, KontraS Coordinator on Wednesday, June 26, 2024, at a commemorative event for the International Day of Support for Victims of Torture in Jakarta.
During the occasion, KontraS presented its situation reports on torture and cruel, inhumane, or degrading punishments in Indonesia. Data results showed that Indonesia recorded as many as 60 torture cases over the past year, with 40 perpetrated by the police.
"The Resort Police involved in 21 cases, Sectoral Police 10 cases, and Regional Police 9 cases," Dimas said.
The event KontraS held was titled "Di Balik Ilusi Populisme Hukum: Impunitas dan Minimnya Komitmen Penghapusan Penyiksaan di Indonesia" or "Behind the Illusion of Legal Populism: Impunity and Lack of Commitment to Eradicate Torture Acts in Indonesia."
KontraS invited representatives from Komnas Ham, the witness and victim protection agency LPSK, the Ministry of Law and Human Rights, the Police, and the National Armed Forces. However, representatives from the police and the Indonesian military were unable to attend.