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Gov't receives thousands of Eid bonus complaints

Jakarta Globe - April 8, 2024

Vinnilya Huanggrio, Jakarta – The government has already received thousands of complaints from Indonesian workers regarding their Eid bonuses.

Employers in the Muslim-majority country Indonesia are required to give their workers bonuses ahead of Eid celebrations. The government has stated that companies should give the bonuses no later than April 4 or about a week before Eid, which is expected to fall on Wednesday.

The Manpower Ministry has set up a post for complaints related to Eid bonuses. As of Sunday, Indonesian workers have filed at least 1,275 complaints against 789 companies. Some complainants claimed that their bonuses were less than the expected amount based on the government's rules. Others complained about late payments.

"On April 7 alone, we have received 299 complaints from people complaining that [their employers] do not pay their bonuses according to the rules," the Manpower Ministry said on Monday.

The ministry said the government would take measures against the violating employers, among others, by sending notes and eventually imposing sanctions. Despite being a holiday, the Eid bonus post will still accept complaints on April 9-10. Workers can also submit their inquiries online.

Source: https://jakartaglobe.id/business/govt-receives-thousands-of-eid-bonus-complaint
