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Extreme weather in West Java leads to flooding, landslides

Tempo - March 7, 2024

Anwar Siswadi (contributor), Jakarta – Extreme weather resulted in flooding and landslides in four regions of West Java on Tuesday, March 5. They were Cirebon, Majalengka, Sumedang, and Bandung regencies.

Rakhmat Prasetia, the head of the Climatology Station at the West Java Meteorology, Climatology, and Geophysics Agency (BMKG), said that based on the interpretation of satellite or radar images and rainfall measurements from automatic equipment around the areas near the four regions, cumulonimbus convective cloud cover was monitored between noon and evening.

"This indicates that moderate to very heavy rainfall would occur around the affected areas," Rakhmat said on Wednesday, March 6.

The agency received a report that a landslide occurred around 6 p.m. Tuesday after more than an hour of heavy rain. The landslide cut off the national road connecting Majalengka Regency and Kuningan City.

Moderate to heavy rain accompanied by lightning and strong winds were also forecast to hit parts of Cirebon, Majalengka, Sumedang, and Bandung in the afternoon and evening.

BMKG has warned the public about the weather forecast through social media with weekly and daily updates. The early warning also includes four areas affected by flooding and landslides.

Source: https://en.tempo.co/read/1841826/extreme-weather-in-west-java-leads-to-flooding-landslide
