Antara, Jakarta – The Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) recorded that 166 Indonesian citizens (WNI) are currently facing the threat of death penalty abroad.
"Most of the cases recorded were in Malaysia, related to narcotics trafficking, then others were spread in other countries, such as the Middle East, in murder cases," the ministry's Director of Protection for Indonesian Citizens and BHI, Judha Nugraha, stated on Tuesday.
Based on gender, Indonesian citizens facing death penalty comprised 133 men and 33 women, he remarked.
Meanwhile, based on cases, 58 Indonesian citizens are facing death penalty, as they were involved in murder cases and 108 people in drug trafficking cases.
"We classify this case as a high-profile case. We want to ensure the state's presence in every step," he remarked.
He ensured that the Indonesian government, through Indonesian representatives abroad, offered legal assistance by providing lawyers and translators for Indonesian citizens.
Efforts are made to obtain consular access for them and also to fulfill their rights as citizens while undergoing the legal process.
"Our role here is not to provide impunity. We will not intervene in the substance of the case in court because that is local jurisdiction and legal sovereignty," Nugraha explained.
Apart from legal assistance, the Indonesian government also makes diplomatic efforts, especially for cases decided to have permanent legal force (incracht), including by sending letters requesting remission from the Indonesian ambassador and president of the Republic of Indonesia, he stated.
According to Nugraha, the ministry also worked towards carrying out family engagements and family reunions to bring together Indonesian citizens' families with Indonesian citizens in prison.
"This is important to allow them to meet and reunite, so that they feel more comfortable because they can have direct contact with their family," Nugraha stated.