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Indonesian govt offers free train rides for homecoming 2024

Tempo - March 5, 2024

Aisyah Amira, Jakarta – The Transportation Ministry has opened the registration for the free homecoming program since March 4, 2024. The purpose of this program is to anticipate the spike in private vehicles on the road during the homecoming period, especially motorcycles.

With this program, travelers will be accommodated with free train rides. The government also allowed their motorcycles to board the train, which ministry spokesperson Adita Irawati said is aimed to "help passengers' mobility in their supposed destination", as quoted from the Transportation Ministry official website.

The Railways DG offered a quota of 28,196 passengers and 12,180 motorcycle units. The homecoming flow departure will commence from April 2-8, 2024. While the homecoming return flow departure from April 13 to 19, 2024.

Passengers could register through mudikgratis.dephub.go.id and conduct data verification at appointed stations, and also available at direct registration posts. For the northern routes, including Cilegon, Jakarta Gudang, Cirebon Prujakan, Tegal, Pekalongan, and Semarang Tawang stations, the Railways DG provides 530 passengers each day and 232 units of motorcycles.

Meanwhile, for the southern routes, the agency provides seats for 424 passengers each day and 174 units of motorcycles. The route encompassed Jakarta Gudang, Kiaracondong, Kroya, Gombong, Kebumen, Lempuyangan, Purwosari, and Madiun stations.

Passengers are not allowed to annul or adjust their tickets and change the names of passengers after the transaction. Passengers are not allowed to give tips to officers responsible for the registration.

The requirements to become eligible for the free homecoming program are as follows:

1. Bring an ID card, driving license, vehicle registration certificate, and family card

2. Motorcycles with a maximum capacity of 200 cc, not modified

3. Those registering their motorcycles are obliged to show their mode of homecoming travel and submit their motorcycles a day prior to departure

4. Participants are not allowed to leave their helmets and rearview

5. Participants are obliged to empty out their motorcycles' fuel oil

6. The motorcycles will be charged with parking tickets

Source: https://en.tempo.co/read/1841172/indonesian-govt-offers-free-train-rides-for-homecoming-202
