Jakarta – AM64, a group of Canisius College Catholic high school alumni in Menteng, Central Jakarta, has sent a congratulatory message to the Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) youth wing organization, GP Ansor, which celebrated its 87th anniversary on April 24.
The group's chairman, Irlan Suud, said in his message that Muslim organizations, which had long fought for pluralism and religious moderation, could find support from like-minded organizations such as AM64.
"We have similar visions in fighting to defend this country's Bhinneka Tunggal Ika [Unity in Diversity] and we can have closer ties in our works for that purpose," Irlan said during a meeting at GP Ansor headquarters in Central Jakarta earlier this week.
Irfan also added that some AM64 members had in fact joined GP Ansor as members and contributed to some of the programs designed by Muslim organizations.
"In some training programs for members of GP Ansor, we have a history of providing lodging as well as sending our speakers to give talks," FX Cahyo Broto of AM64 said.
GP Ansor has played the role of gatekeeper to the state ideology Pancasila, national motto Bhinneka Tunggal Ika and Islam Nusantara (Islam of the Archipelago), the prevailing strand of Islam that shows syncretism and reflects the nation's multicultural realities.
The unit has been at the forefront of combating violent extremism, whether it be exposing subversive ideas in school textbooks, protesting hard-line groups or protecting religious minorities across the nation. The organization's chairman, Yaqut Cholil Qoumas, is religious affairs minister.