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'Only for non-Muslims': Padang Satpol PP raid restaurants open during Ramadan

Jakarta Post - May 8, 2019

Jakarta – Padang Public Order Agency officers (Satpol PP) on Tuesday conducted raids on restaurants that were open during the day in the fasting month of Ramadan, media reports say.

Satpol PP found 10 restaurants that were open, but that failed to announce they only served non-Muslims. The raid was conducted in the Pondok area, from Jl. Hayam Wuruk, Jl. Nipah and Jl. Niaga to Jl. Klenteng.

Indonesian Muslims are observing Ramadan, when they do not eat or drink from dawn until dusk.

"Our officers immediately put banners on these restaurants," the head of Padang Satpol PP Al Amin told Kompas.com on Tuesday. Writing on the banner reads: "Only for the non-Muslims."

Located in West Sumatra, Padang is a Muslim-majority city. Al Amin argued that the raid was justified by a circular issued by Padang's mayor.

Last week, Padang Mayor Mahyeldi Ansharullah ordered that restaurants should only open close to the hour when people would break their fasts, according to tribunnews.com. In daytime, he ordered, restaurants should close or only serve non-Muslims.

Places of entertainment, including karaoke centers, are also required to close during Ramadan. "Those who are not fasting should respect those who do," he wrote.

According to Al Amin, if the restaurants remove the banners, they would be forced to close and be sanctioned in other ways. (dev)

Source: https://www.thejakartapost.com/news/2019/05/08/only-for-non-muslims-padang-satpol-pp-raid-restaurants-open-during-ramadan.html
