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Localised prostitution in Timor-Leste, more consultations needed

Dili Weekly - December 2, 2015

Paulina Quintao – The Executive Secretary of the National Commission For Combating HIV/AIDS in Timor-Leste (KNKS-TL) Daniel Marcal said his commission is undertaking consultations and meetings about the advantages and disadvantages of localising sex work.

He said that a decision about the issue has not been made and that everyone needs to think about this issue.

"I think there's no decision to localise it and it is still under consultation with everyone to think about the issue whether it is good to leave them or to gather them in a place where we can control it easily," said the Executive Secretary Marcal from his office in Pantai Kelapa, Dili.

He added that the commission has talked to some competent entities not to chase and capture sex workers as they tend to be victims and that other circumstances compelled them to engage in such work.

"We have talked to the competent ministry not to capture and chase after sex workers as they are miserable and that other circumstances had led them to such work," said ES Marcal.

He added the commission's teams consulted with sex workers who explained that loss of virginity, a divorce and other lifestyle choices forced them to see such work so they can have an income to support themselves and their families. He said also the religious perspective is against localised prostitution as a way to prevent HIV transmission in Timor-Leste because only eduction and information can change people's behaviour.

Dili resident Maria da Silva urged the national commission to further study the issue and consult with all entities particularly with religious groups the option may be good to prevent HIV transmission but it may not be good from an educational perspective.

"I think the prevention of HIV transmission is very pertinent because health staff could control easily [the transmission] but in moral and religious aspects we still need to study this issue more carefully," said da Silva.

Source: http://www.thediliweekly.com/en/news/capital/13353-localised-prostitution-in-timor-leste-more-consultations-needed
