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People living miserably in Timor Leste, Australian border areas

Jakarta Post - June 3, 2015

Jakarta – People are living miserably in areas that border with Timor Leste and Australia, the head of the East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) Boundary Agency, Paulus Nasehat, said on Wednesday.

Aside from being faced with poor household economies, access to education and health was also limited, Manehat said in Kupang as reported by Antara news agency.

"It seems as if people living in border areas are being sidelined from the development movement so that they mostly live far under the poverty line," he said.

Therefore, Manehat urged the central government to pay serious attention to such conditions, especially by boosting development of the economy and building infrastructure like bridges and roads to facilitate access.

Moreover, people living in border areas are badly in need of water supplies and descent housing, he said. There are 12 regencies with 88 districts that have land and sea border areas with Timor Leste and Australia. (hhr)

Source: http://www.thejakartapost.com/news/2015/06/03/people-living-miserably-timor-leste-australian-border-areas.html
