Estevao Nuno – The National Police of Timor-Leste (PNTL) is overrun by gangsters involved in criminal behaviour, according to Member of Parliament David Dias Ximenes.
"They assault people night and day," he said. "Commission B will find these gangsters in the police and they will be fired immediately. They will not go free."
Ximenes said police were supposed to enforce law and order, not to become perpetrators of violence themselves.
He gave the example of a recent case in which police called to a gang fight in Bairo-Pite are alleged to have beaten 28-year-old Rivaldo Amaral Soares Fernandes so badly the man, who had no involvement in the fight, ended up in intensive care.
Ximenes said he alleged victim's family had sent a letter to the Ministry of Public calling for action against rogue officers.
Fundasaun Mahein director Nelson Belo said he was concerned about police involved in criminal behaviour. "We have laws which dictate when police are justified in using force and when they must use a different approach," he said. He said violence by police officers would erode public trust in PNTL.
Belo said PNTL commanders issued disciplinary penalties against offending officers and the Public Ministry could prosecute in cases where official complaints or allegations were received.
Dili student Lorenso Alves said he had witnessed police using excessive force. "When people are sitting on the side of the road at night, the police come out and start hitting them without reason," he said. "They have no ability to solve problems."
In response the Second General Commander of the PNTL, Commissioner Afonso de Jesus rejected and does not agree with the accusation and the words of MP David Diaz Ximenes.
"Because those who become part of the police receive training and are carefully selected. Not just anyone is selected," said Commissioner de Jesus. He added that if a member of the police behaves in a criminal manner against the community; it has the duty to present a complaint to the Public Ministry.