Erwida Maulia – Indonesian Military Chief Gen. Djoko Santoso said the military would be taking action against any members of the Free Papua Movement (OPM) who wave the Morning Star flag in Papua at any point on Indonesia's 64th Independence Day on Monday.
It is illegal to fly the flag under Indonesian law, as it is seen as the symbol of separatism in the eastern provinces of Papua and West Papua.
Djoko told journalists following the Independence Day ceremony at Merdeka State Palace that the military was boosting coordination with the National Police to prepare for any rebellious activities by the OPM, including waving the flag, though said the situation was still "conducive" at present.
"We will take legal action against any party trying to disrupt [the security]," Djoko said. National Police Chief Gen. Bambang Hendarso Danuri said Papuan police would 'take action' against any-body bearing the flag.
At least one Morning Star flag was reportedly seen in Abepura, Papua, early Monday morning. The Abepura police precinct quickly removed the flag.